Promotions & Offers

Keep your customers engaged with the full range of online promotion and offers, powered by Fawry’s innovative e-Voucher system.

Promotions & Offers

Promotional Rewards

It’s not all about payments! Move to the next level of customer engagement with Fawry Accept: Reach more customers than ever before with our innovative e-Voucher system. From SMEs to large financial institutions, businesses use our e-Voucher services to reward customers with the full range of online promotion and offer arrangements.

Mix and match different ways to reward your customers

  • Discount Voucher

    A one-time discount voucher provided to customers for use in a single transaction.
  • Prepaid Voucher

    An e-Voucher enabling purchase of a prepaid service for a discount or for free.
  • Promocode

    A code sent to customers to make use of discounts while shopping online.
  • Transaction Voucher

    Customers become eligible for this voucher after completing a certain amount of purchases.
  • Bundle Discount

    Customers automatically receive discounts on a certain number of upcoming purchases.
  • Fawry Voucher

    Customers become eligible for this voucher after completing a certain amount of purchases and redeem them at any Fawry outlet.
  • Corporate Deals

    Fawry offers our partners customized e-Voucher packages specifically suited to their business needs.

specifically tailored for financial institutions

With Fawry Accept, banks have an easy way of providing credit cardholders with discounts on purchases made using their credit cards.

Tailored For Financial Institutions
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